  • Ultima_wWire

    Damon Ultima System

    The Damon Ultima System is the first true full expression orthodontic system designed for faster and more precise finishing. It is completely reengineered to virtually eliminate play for precise control of rotation, angulation and torque.

  • Damon Q2

    Damon Q2

    Damon Q2 offers better rotation control than SLX™ 3D and SLX™, providing you with the performance and control needed to treat cases with outstanding results.

  • Damon Clear Self ligating

    Damon Clear 2

    Efficiently treat all your patients to a beautiful result with the improved Damon Clear2 bracket that provides the control needed for you to treat a wide variety of cases with outstanding results.

Case Studies

Face-Driven Orthodontics

The above cases have been selected to demonstrate new techniques in treating complex cases with the low-force, low-friction Damon System, while challenging traditional planning thought processes. Each case is intended to provide the clinician with an opportunity to view the impact of the Damon System on a patient's profile, face, bone, and tissue, as well as the entire oromuscular complex.

Treatment Of Class I Cases Using Physiologically Adaptive Mechanics

The following cases demonstrate how facial treatment planning should be the primary focus. These patients are obviously very crowded. Are the bones of the mid-face and body of the mandible smaller than normal or has there been an adaptation of the alveolar process to abnormal muscle forces impacting arch development?

Several years ago, extractions would have been the treatment plan without hesitation. But with improvements in technique and technology, patients can now be treatment planned and evaluated with the long-term implications on both profile (lateral view) and arch width and facial support (frontal view).

In viewing these cases, please note that great care has been given to using treatment forces that are just high enough to stimulate cellular activity without overpowering the periodontium and orofacial muscular complex. If the optimal forces are maintained, the alveolar bone and tissue can be moved with teeth.

Clear Fixed Appliance vs. Aligner Treatment for Arch Development


Class I Non-Extraction Adult

The patient was treated for arch development.

Clear Fixed Appliance vs. Aligner Treatment for Arch Development


Class I Non-Extraction Adult

The patient was treated for arch development.

Bi-maxillary Protrusion Treated Nonextraction


Class I Non-Extraction Adult

Patient with bi-maxillary protrusion treated non-extraction.

Patient with open bite, posterior crossbite and deep, narrow palate.


Class I Non-Extraction Adult

Patient with open bite, posterior crossbite and deep, narrow palate.

Class I Nonextraction – Youth (open bite with posterior crossbite – very narrow deep palate)


Class I Non-Extraction Youth

Patient with open bite, posterior crossbite and narrow palate.

Tooth guidance case with severe crowding and unilateral crossbite.


Class I & II Youth

Tooth guidance case with severe crowding and unilateral crossbite.

Patient with severe crowding and flat profile.


Class I Non-Extraction Youth

Patient with severe crowding and flat profile.

Class I Nonextraction


Class I Non-Extraction Adult

Patient with severe crowding and flat profile with tissue-grafting indication.

Class I Nonextraction – Severe crowding, very flat profile


Class I Non-Extraction Youth

Patient with severe crowding and very flat profile.

Correction of Anterior Crossbite Due to Tooth Loss with Early Elastics


Class I & III Adult

The patient was treated for correction of anterior crossbite due to tooth loss with early elastics.

Dr. Stuart Frost Training Videos

Damon System: Damon Clear Debonding

Damon System: Finishing Wire Adjustment

Damon System: Hard Tissue Contouring

Damon System: Pano Repo App

Damon System: Two Assistant Bonding

DamonTM Glossary

More Value For Your Practice

From Ormco, the Damon System is a consumer branding approach to help you better connect with patients and capitalize on their growing demand for faster, aesthetically-pleasing orthodontic treatment that delivers remarkable results and a new, beautiful smile.

Proven Performance from Start to Finish

The Damon® System of low-friction passive self-ligating brackets, hi-tech light-force archwires, and minimally invasive treatment protocols is clinically proven to deliver remarkable advantages for you and your patients.

Click here to learn more about Damon's value for your practice.

Clinical Abstracts and Studies

System Mechanics

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