Clinical Abstracts and Studies
- Frictional Forces
- Comparison of Maxillary Arch
- Self-Ligating vs. Conventional Brackets
- Damon System vs. Conventional Appliances
- Comparison of Resistance to Sliding
- Self-Ligating Treatment
- Treatment Time
- Self-Ligating in The Year 2000
- Interactive Edgewise Mechanisms
- Force Decay and Deformation
- Ligature Wires and Elastomeric Rings
Changes in Maxillary Arch and Molar Tipping Compared:
A Comparison of Maxillary Arch Width and Molar Tipping Changes Between Rapid Maxillary Expansion and Fixed Appliance vs. the Damon™ System
Mikulencak D. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 2007; 132:562.
To investigate changes in arch width expansion using the Damon System and whether the amount of molar tipping is comparable with that seen using RPEs.
To investigate changes in arch width expansion using the Damon System and whether the amount of molar tipping is comparable with that seen using RPEs.
- Clinically and statistically significant changes in arch width dimensions were observed in the molar and premolar areas after treatment.
- No significant changes were observed in the canine area.
- An inverse relationship exists between pretreatment molar arch width and change in molar angulation with the Damon System.
- The findings were compared with previously published RPE studies, and no difference in the amount of molar tipping was found.
The Damon System provides comparable arch width expansion to RPEs with no difference in the amount of molar tipping.