Spark™ Aligners Recommended as Best Holiday Gifts on Two Morning Shows!

The week before Christmas was fantastic for the Spark consumer brand and, we are excited to announce that Spark Aligners were recommended as one of the best holiday gifts in 2020 on two popular TV morning shows: Good Morning Texas and Colorado’s Best.
The December TV segments highlighted the top competitive benefits of the Spark brand and mentioned our patented TruGEN material, which resists stains better and is clearer than the leading aligner brand.
Colorado’s Best: Gift Your Loved Ones with Straight Teeth
During Colorado’s Best TV segment, lifestyle expert Jamie O’Donnell highlighted Spark Aligners as a wonderful Christmas gift option: “Gift your loved ones with straight teeth… Spark TruGEN material resists stains better and is even clearer than aligner leading brand.” The segment was broadcast both on TV and online, featured two airings (1 minute and 50 seconds long), and generated a total of 12.4M impressions.
Good Morning Texas: Perfect Gift For Your Loved Ones
The Good Morning Texas TV segment with lifestyle expert Emily Foley generated a total of 9.9M impressions on TV and online. According to Foley, Spark is the perfect gift for your loved ones because it’s “more clear, more comfortable, and a doctor-directed alignment system”. The segment aired for 1 minute and 45 seconds.
Watch the full TV segments on Good Morning Texas and Colorado's Best.